Mardi Gras Mambo here we go! This is one of my favorite local races. Going in I didn’t plan to run this one at race pace. I intended heading into this race to keep it under 12:00 minute pace and 11:00 minute pace if I was feeling froggy. I want to run this race feeling strong all the way throughout. I generally don’t like standing around before a race so I was I get to the starting line the Ainsley’s Angels are starting the race. SO I had about another 5 minutes before the next wave of starts. The gun goes and we are off!
Mile 1 – 11:00
You know my plan so of course I go out running faster than 12:00 minute pace. At this time the pace doesn’t feel too fast so I let it ride. My thought is if this is too much I’ll throttle down after the bridge and just knock off 12:00 minute miles. I started further back than i normally would in a race. So there was a lot of weaving in the first mile. I managed the bridge pretty well. It didn’t break me. Mile 1 marker is coming up up and I feeling good! First water station I went with water.
Mile 2 – 10:54
Yeah 12:00 minute pace is out the window. No real plan at this point other than just holding the current pace for as long as possible. Parker Blvd. is always scenic coming off the bridge. The trees are just so majestic. I’m still feeling good I run with a member of Black Men Run for a bit, but I didn’t say anything because I didn’t want to commit to the pace yet. So we run side by side for awhile, but I him let go eventually. I kept him and another lady in sight just as quasi rabbits.
Mile 3 – 10:49
Kleinart Ave. here we go. I’ve blown up on many a race on this street. It also has a slight incline. I was not appreciative of that incline either. I linked back up with the member of Black Men Run. I said to him I had been chasing him basically the whole time. He said he’s chased me in other races. So we unofficial are running together until somebody falls off or we hit the finish. Finishing up mile 3 I can see the 10k turn around.
Mile 4 – 10:54
At this point it’s unclear if my running partner is doing the 10k or 15k. I was assuming the 10k and I was thankful he was gonna make me run faster. Also kinda weary about the extra 5k I coming though. I also popped my first GU in this mile. I wanted to take them every 30 minutes ish. I was a little off with the timing. At the next two water stations I went with Powerade to get some extra calories, salt, and electrolytes.
Mile 5 – 10:57
This mile things are getting interesting. If I was doing the 10K I would be ecstatic. I am still feeling good the deep waters of the 15k are looming. Another trip over the bridge is coming in the next mile. We are still ticking off sun 11:00 minute miles though.
Mile 6 – 10:39
Here we go things I learned about my current running partner. He runs the bridge way different than me. He didn’t slow down at all. I don’t know if he was testing me or what but I was like I will keep going. Then just hang on for the last 15k. Another water station I get a Powerade
Mile 7 – 10:41
I split from my running partner. He is going finish up the 10k and I have another 5k to do. I am feeling decent at this point. Not really boink but I’m definitely feeling the fade or maybe just the lack of a partner/pacemaker who knows. I tick another sun 11:00 minute mile all on my own though. So we will see what the back third of this race holds. I see the Capitol up ahead. Running down Fourth Street towards the Capitol is always motivating and cinematic. Just a stunning view! I hit the water station. I get a cup of water and take my second GU.
Mile 8 – 11:00
At this point I’m feeling and just trying to make sure I keep my pace under 12:00 minutes. Running around Capitol Lake is usually a good view, but I’m just trying to hold it together so I’m not taking it in. This mile felt so long running in the State building parking lot felt like it would never end. This felt like the most difficult part of the race I was still running away from the finish line. So I was waiting on the turn around. Eventually we get there and there is only so much race left. I find some hope in it’s not an exact out and back course. The run to the finish will be shorter then the first part of the last 5k.
Mile 9 – 11:22
I find a little a bit of energy to prevent a complete boink. I passed a lady who we were going back and forth for awhile in the last mile or two. She passes me back and doesn’t look back. I start thinking I’ll let her go then kick closer to the finish. She is having none of that. She takes off and I give up on that goal lol. I am in just finishing as strong as possible so nothing above 12:00 minute pace. I see my wife on the sidewalk up ahead and she runs with me for a block.
It was so special she did that and totally unexpected.
The Finish – 10:41
We still have some in the tank so we sped up to finish this thing off strong! At this point nothing else matters just to get to the finish line. Once I turned off Fourth Street I was so thankful for how close the finish line was the race was basically over and made my way across the line! With a finish time of 1:42:49. I crushed my original goal, but also felt like I have more to give. So here’s to more training! Let’s go! I want to keep progressing and have a good showing at OLOL Amazing Half in March.
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